From installation to getting started with DF‑SHOW on your system.
Directory File Show (DF‑SHOW)
Here you will find a set of utilities which display text files, and a powerful directory display utility. Designed for Unix-like systems.
Installing DF‑SHOW
Prebuild packages for some Linux systems are available. If your system is not listed, you can still build from source.
Ubuntu or Linux Mint
DF‑SHOW is available to install from a Personal Package Archive (PPA), simply run the following in your terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ian-hawdon/dfshow
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dfshow
RPM Based Distributions (Fedora, Red Hat/CentOS, OpenSUSE, and Mageia)
Packages are available from the Fedora Copr build service:
If you’re using a version of Linux with dnf:
sudo dnf copr enable roberthawdon/DF-SHOW
you need to have dnf-plugins-core installed
sudo dnf install dfshow
If you have older distribution:
sudo yum copr enable roberthawdon/DF-SHOW
you need to have yum-plugin-copr installed
sudo yum install dfshow
You can download a repo file and place it to /etc/yum.repos.d/
you can find the file on an Overview page at:
Arch Linux (User Repository)
Releases of DF-SHOW are available in the AUR:
curl -L | tar xz
cd dfshow
makepkg -srci
The latest cutting-edge versions from the master branch are also available in the AUR:
curl -L | tar xz
cd dfshow-git
makepkg -srci
Build from source
Ensure you have developer tools installed as well as the ncurses development library and automake.
Either download the latest release or clone the master repository, then run:
sudo make install
Getting Started
Futher documentation coming soon.